As we know, there are two texting modes in PSE - "single-line" and "paragraph".
We add a single-line (in Photoshop terms, "point") text by clicking with the Type tool. Each line of such a fragment is independent (fig. 1).
To start a new line we have to press the the [Enter] key.
To add a "paragraph", we define its boundaries by dragging with the Type tool (fig. 2).
The paragraph text wraps automatically.
Each method has its own pros and cons. E+ allows you to switch between the two modes on the fly.
- Select a text layer.
- Open the "Text" dialog.
- To turn existing "paragraph" to "point" (single-line) text, apply the "Convert to Point Text" command.
- And vice versa, "Convert to Paragraph Text" turns point text to paragraph.