About Alternative Elements+ Interface

In case the E+ scripts don't work on your computer properly, if you find them slow or inconvenient, perhaps, the "windowless" version of this patch interface would suite you better.

As opposed to the standard "scripted" version, it's based mainly on the "actions" (macros recorded in full Photoshop).

Since such an approach means an individual thumbnail for every single action, the alternative E+ version adds to your Effects palette no less than 150 thumbnails, sorted by category.

Of course, the scripts are more powerful than the actions. However, the action-based interface lets you access most of the E+ essential features.

Furthermore, the effects from the 9th through the 15th categories let you run scripts from Е+ catalog (or, to be precise, those of them that don't open script dialogs).

To install the action-based version go to the "C:\Elements+\2024\" folder, launch the "action-based_version.exe" file and wait until PSE rebuilds its cache.

Important! Please do not uninstall the standard (script-based) version of E+, because its files are required for the action-based set.

To access the E+ functions:

  1. In the Effects panel, open the "Photo Effects" tab.
  2. In the drop menu, choose one of the "numbered" E+ categories (screenshot 1).
  3. To apply a function, either double-click its thumbnail (screenshot 2) or drag it onto the target image window.