Script Arsenal for PaintShop Pro » Documentation

Open Next / Previous File

Suppose you need to quick-edit 200 or 300 photos just downloaded from your camera to the hard drive. In such a workflow, choosing and opening the next file may take almost as much time as the editing itself.

The script "Open Next File" finds the next file in the same folder as the current document. For example, if you are working with a document named "DSC_1189", the script opens file "DSC_1190".

Accordingly, the "Open Previous File" script opens the image file "DSC_1188".

The scripts "Close, Open Next" and "Close, Open Previous", not only let you jump to the next/previous image, but also close the current document without saving.

Tip. For even quicker access to the next/previous file consider adding the above scripts to a custom panel (screenshot).

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