Getting More Scripts for PSE

On the Internet, you can find lots of (mostly free) scripts for the full Photoshop. Although many of those aren't compatible with PSE, you can find some workable and useful tools by using trial and error method.

Adobe Exchange is one of the main resources for the ready made scripts. And many more can be found via some googling.

In some cases, you can create a custom script for a special task by using the "Batch" dialog (more about).

However, to automate most of your tasks, you may want to compose JavaScript scenarios with your own hand (screenshot).

The official (although not thorough), documentation on this subject is available at the Photoshop Developer Center.

Also, there are some informal PS scripting communities, and the forum is, probably, the most competent and useful of those.

On this resource, you can find both the answers to you questions and pieces of code generously shared by the skilled coders.

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